Cedar Rose Nursery is the culmination of decades of hard work and big dreams. I have been growing trees and practicing bonsai since the mid 1990s when I was in highschool. I got a little bonsai beginner book as a sophomore and my fate was sealed. Since then I have had a wide ranging career in horticulture earning a B.S. in agricultural biology and having worked in landscape horticulture, botanical gardens, USDA invasive plant biological control and agricultural research in Ghana, Africa.

I have maintained my little nursery all these years and it has moved multiple times from Calistoga, to Richmond, to Point Reyes Station and to Placerville. My nursery has gradually expanded from a hobbyist collection with a couple dozen trees in the early days to now several acres of in ground bonsai tree production and hundreds of plants of many varieties for gardens and plant collectors. Hard work and big dreams do pay off.